Ecolinguist Contributor Program

Gain free access to the Ecolinguist Academy Community Spaces and play a pivotal role in shaping the future of language learning at our academy. This role is designed for individuals who have actively engaged with our initiatives or who bring specialized knowledge in linguistics and language education.

What is it about?

Who Can Become a Contributor?

Previous Contributors: If you have participated in our projects, such as featuring in Ecolinguist YouTube videos, collaborating on content creation, actively participating in community discussions or assisting with moderation and administration of our Discord server, your continued involvement is highly valued.

Language Experts: Are you a linguist, a seasoned language educator, or a scholar in related fields? Your expertise can help guide our curriculum development and community education efforts.

Content Creators: If you’ve developed educational content, run language workshops, or have experience in similar educational initiatives, your skills in creating engaging and effective learning experiences will be appreciated by the community.

What benefits do Contributors receive?

Contributors influence the development of our courses and community initiatives, lead discussions, can host webinars or online events, and guide special interest groups. Recognized for your efforts, you will receive access to advanced resources, special training sessions, and exclusive events.

What are my responsibilities as a Contributor?

Contributors are encouraged to actively engage with the community by starting discussions, submitting language challenges, or sharing knowledge. While not required, your active participation helps enhance the community’s learning experience and creates a more vibrant and supportive environment for everyone.

Can I advertise my services on the platform?

Direct advertising or spamming is not permitted. The platform focuses on community benefit and language learning. However, you can discuss your work and include links to your website or channel in your profile bio. This approach ensures that the community remains dedicated to education and mutual support.

Why isn’t the community open to everyone?

Our community access is curated to ensure that every interaction within our spaces is enriching and meaningful. By focusing on contributors who are genuinely invested in language education, we maintain a high standard of quality and engagement.

How to Apply?

Submit an application detailing your previous contributions to the Ecolinguist projects or showcasing your expertise in the field of language education. Include references or links to your work, and let us know how you envision contributing to the Ecolinguist Academy.

Fill out the application form below

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